Save Money & More!
"My people perish for a lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6) This site was created to gather information from those that LOVE TO SAVE MONEY. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - so here is your chance to gather it!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
1. Higher Income Tax returns probably those above 100 grand are more likely to get audited because there is more tax money at stake. It's not really fair that you're under higher scrutiny for making more money, but that's the way it is.
2. If your income this year has gone considerably higher from previous year it may trigger a red flag at IRS and the chances of getting audited becomes more.
3. Claiming $6000 on business meals when the average for your tax bracket is around $1,600.
4. IRS pays more attention to the filers who claim home business in addition to their regular salary income or if you claim excessively high deduction. Remember, the room has to be exclusively used for business office purpose. You cannot put a desk in the corner of your home and claim it as a home office. The best way to avoid this is to measure the portion of the home you are using for business and calculate the percentage with respect to the total area of your home. Suppose if you get 20%, then you can only deduct 20% of your mortgage in your tax returns. Another important point to keep in mind is that if you incur losses year after year in a home business which is your hobby but not sole propriety and when you report them on Schedule C, you are once again prone to get audited, so stay as far as away from Schedule C, as the Schedule C Filers are among the most likely people to get audited.
5. Income like investment returns etc. if it is not reported can trigger off an audit. Also income other wages not reported will most likely increase the chances of getting audited.
6. Non-cash charitable tax donations are under the scanner now, the IRS now needs the receipt of the transaction or the bank statement showing the transaction of the donated non-cash item. If you fail to do that, it can again be an audit alarm for you.
7. Watch out when you are claiming casualty losses, claiming large casualty losses could result in an audit. And the important point that should be noted is that the casualty losses should only be due to uncertain and sudden causes like fire, theft, and tornado or hurricane damage. Losses occurring due to slow wearing down of conditions do not qualifyDeductions That Raise Red Flags With The IRS.
See here for full article
How to Avoid Being Audited - Self Employed
I remember receiving a letter from the IRS that made me shiver, sweat, and almost go fetal. It indicated I owed quite a bit on taxes with penalties etc. After I picked myself up from the floor and regained consciousness, I immediately prayed and called THE IRS. The anticipation of clarifying why I received the letter and rectification process was not as bad as I thought. With a little research - I discovered that it was their mix up and simply providing them the information fixed the problem. I received a letter a few weeks later indication that everything had been resolved. Praise God!
Being that this is tax season, sometimes knowing and reading up on what can get your tax return flaged can save you the headache of being contacted by the IRS. see (here) this article for more info.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The current world economy is squeezing American families with mounting financial pressures. The subprime disaster, declining home values, escalating foreclosures and inflationary costs of consumer goods -- especially gasoline and groceries -- place great strains on families.The importance of being debt-free seems to have been grabbing everyone's attention. It's a wake-up call causing many Christians who may have been ignoring God's financial principles to want to get back on track with Him. So, let's look at some steps to help you do just that. (Article here)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
TransUnion Screening Service
Landlord benefits:
* Some potential tenants feel uncomfortable giving their personal information to Landlords (strangers renting a home) for safety issues. A wise person would/should be alarmed in giving anyone their personal information to total strangers. Identity theft is a big issue now a days and Landlords are strangers(unknown individuals) with intent to rent their homes (or are they?) With this service a Landlord can give the tenant a peace of mind knowing that vital information will not be needed (and/or sold to illegals).
TransUnion Screening Service
*** With this service --- $30.00 per applicant --- the tenant doesn't need to provide their social security number or vital information to anyone but TRANSUNION (a legit Credit Reporting Agency). TransUnion then forwards both Credit Report and Criminal Background Check to the Landlord without Social Security Number. All is needed is both Landlords and Tenants Email.
1) When the Landlord sets the account up --- all that need to be done is enter the property address, potential tenants email and who will pay option.
2)Transunion will send an email to the tenant and advise them of the Landlord's request for the Credit Bureau Request which needs Tenants Approval.
3)The Tenant Enters a Transunion link that will confidentially verify the Tenant information provided by Tenant and then forward the Credit Bureau Report to the Landlord without Social Security number.
4)Once the Landlord gets the email verifying Approval - Landlord immediately Links to Credit and Criminal Background Check. Landlord also gets Credit Rating and a Rental Recommendation --- Decline and/or Accept.
5) If the Landlord declines, Landlord enters that option and a stand email is sent to the applicant. If the Landlord accepts the tenant -- tenant is notified immediately.
The process takes a few minutes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Trusting God When Money Seems Scarce
Money seems to be a common topic in many conversations in America today. Our economy is hurting and therefore many people are financially hurting as well.
As Christians we know that God is our source of security, not the economy. Nevertheless, many Christians have found that their finances have also been adversely affected as a byproduct of the negative economy.
So how do we trust God in the midst of pay cuts, layoffs, rising bills, and declining home values in our own lives?
Continue here CROSSWALK.COM
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Why not open 2 - 3 and make between 25-150 dollars.... ---- AT NO COST.
See the most current deals here (click)
Track your phone usage and SAVE!
By using a FREE service called OVERMYMINUTES.COM that tracks your minute usage and allets you with a text message or email when you are about to run out of minutes on your cell phone. Read more about it! --- Yes it's free and can save you buku-bucks!
America today is heading in a new direction. We have emerged from a nation that didn't care to spend extra money on our wants even when we didn't have enough for our needs to a nation that is starting to scrutinize our spending habbits. I honestly think this is a good thing. Yesterday's spendthrift has evolved into today's haggler - only the smart ones atleast.
Well, here are a couple of things to consider in haggling.
* Call up your local cable, phone, internet, cell phone company.
Hit the option * Close my account *which should lead you to the retention department. Tell them you are thinking of canceling. (do this whether you are under contract or not) Act as if you may not have an option to cancel and may be willing to pay a fee if necessary to cancel. In most cases, with todays ecomomy --- you can request to have your monthly bill lowered, get free additonal services and/or equiptment. With the way the economy is today --- sometimes you don't even have to ask --- they offer you the savings and/or freebies without asking!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
1) Kodak Gallery- 75 Free Prints for new members. And, remember, you can have photos shipped to your local store to save on shipping. Click here.
2) CVS - You can get 50 free photos for signing up to CVS online.
3)Shutterfly is giving a free Photo calendar ( $19.99 value ) away to everyone! No special email this time. This is a promotion thru Target ( it was in the Sunday paper, in case you missed it ). Simply log into your account and enter promo code by January 18th: FREECALENDAR Click here to login or register with Shutterfly. Bonus, if you are a new member, you also get 25 free prints.
4)New and current Shutterfly members get another 30 prints free for taking part in their free Share site. It is simply to participate. And, if you actually load free photos to your share site, you will get another 10 free prints each week. Click here to login or register. This runs thru February 2nd, so you will probably get reminders on this deal each week in my weekly Free Photo Fun post.
Based on the trend America is transitioning from a country of who can accumulate the most to the NEW America that better SAVE and BUDGET TO SURVIVE!
Part of the NEW AMERICA - the “SAVE AND BUDGET” error is making certain your finances and credit are in order.
Good Credit Score - A good score determines how much you can save on a home, a car, a credit card or even an insurance policy. A tiny slip-up can come back to haunt you.
A year ago, a score of 720 would have had lenders lining up for your business. Today, a score of 740 or 750 will get you an account but might not qualify you for the lowest interest rates, says Bill Hardekopf, of LowCards.com. (Yahoo-Finance)
Things to do to improve your credit score:
1) Review your credit report once a year --- ITS FREE! Log on to http://www.AnnualCredit-Report.com and get a free copy from each of the three credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. (Note: Copycat sites often require you to purchase other services in order to get a "free" credit report.)
2) Review the report a fine-tooth comb and identify any account that does not belong to you, addresses that you didn’t reside in, amounts that are inaccurate, paid-in-full accounts that still show a balance, accounts indicating collections or passed due when they weren’t etc. Reference all institutions and account numbers to make sure each account is yours (remember someone’s information with the same/similar name and/or a typo of a social security number can make someone else’s Credit history yours!)
3)Check Dates on Negetive items *(Yahoo-finance) Gerri Detweiler, credit adviser for Credit.com, says it's also important to check the dates on any negative information that's being reported. Negative items, such as collections accounts, may generally be reported for seven years from when you first fell behind. Two exceptions are bankruptcies, which may be reported for ten years, and tax liens, which may stay on your record indefinitely until you pay them.
4) File a dispute immediately with each bureau that reports an error. File a dispute not only for accounts that are in error but even for those that are not (especially for merchants that have gone OUT OF BUSINESS). The process should take 30 to 45 days for the bureau to investigate any disputes you submit. Merchants normally have 30 days to respond to your dispute, if they don’t or can’t prove your debt --- it is taken off your credit report automatically. Be persistent until the problems have been resolved.
5) Minimize the ratio of your outstanding debt to your credit limit (credit-utilization ratio) for each card you hold. (Try to keep your balance below 25% ). If you're near your limits and a long-standing customer with a good history, you could ask your current card issuers to raise your limits. Also focus on paying down your balances so that you're using less of your available credit.
6) Don't apply for new credit cards you don't need. That 10% discount or $25.00 off your purchase a retailer offers when you sign up for its card isn't worth it. When you apply for new credit, an inquiry is made on your credit report. Each inquiry is a tiny ding to your credit history. Craig Watts, of Fair Isaac, says that your best bet is to take on new credit only when you need it.
7)Pay your bill in full each month. If you can't, pay at least the minimum, and make your payments on time. Late payments lower your credit score and may automatically trigger a higher rate. And if other lenders see that, they may raise your rate, too. That could result in more late payments in the future-and thus set off a vicious cycle of credit-card debt.
8) Don’t be late with payments -If your payment date is inconvenient, call your card issuer and request a change in the date. It may take a cycle or two to get results, but lenders are often happy to work with you.
Friday, January 16, 2009
SafeLink Wireless is a government supported programthat provides a free cell phone and airtime eachmonth for income-eligible customers.
Monday, January 12, 2009