Collection Agency Bugging You?
Saving Money Tip -
* Don't let the Collection Agent Intimidate you - they are just people hired to try and collect money. They are not law enforcement.
* Know that you have rights even if you are the one that owes the money. No one has the right to harass you, demean you, and treat you like a 3rd class citizen.
* Know the following information and defend yourself.
A) Log all your calls, take the name of the person you are speaking with and make notes as to the outcome of the call --- try to quote and/or be detailed --- use the following log sheet to help you tract the calls - click (here)
B) The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law that governs debt collectors for personal debts (Auto loans, home loans, medical bills, and credit card accounts). You are protected and can file a complaint.
What a Collection Agent Can't Do and what is considered HARASSMENT.
*Can't call you prior to 8am and after 9pm.
* Can't call you over and over again (repeatedly and/or continously). - After they contact you they need to send you a letter. (No need to hassel you.)
* Can't use vulgar and profane language and/or threaten or lie to you. (Document it)
* Can't indicate that they are going to file charges, garnish your wages, take property, or ruin your credit when they can not and do not intend to take action. (This has to go to court to happen and the judge determines the outcome not the agency). (Document it)
* Can't inform a 3rd party about your debt - so if they call your place of employment etc. and advised them of your situation, you can file a complaint. (Document it)
* They shouldn't contact you at work knowing that they employer does not approve.
*** For additional info - click (here) Options to take if the collection agency is harassing you :
1) Document the conversation.
2) Tell them to stop.
3) File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (here)
4) Take the Collection Agency to court for harassing you .
5) You can also send a CEASE and DESIST LETTER - This letter is used to legally stop the collection agency from contacting you. If they contact you after you send it, you can file a complaint and they will be investigated. FOR INFO. & SAMPLE LETTER (here). For more information about this letter (Here)
Next Collection Topic will be ----- How to negotiate with the collection agency - coming soon!

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