Save Money Idea.
1) Always try to buy with coupons - Whether its - online coupons sites, newspaper coupons, on-line codes, and if you still can't find any --- type in the company name or product name with coupon on the end and you increase your chances of finding a coupon. I started doing this and found buy one get one free restuarant coupons and saved over 7$. After preparing my grocery list and gather coupons, I search high and low for coupon on the product site and usually find atleast 2 - 3 $ in additional coupon savings.
2) Dishwashing Detergent - With coupons and savings buy Palmolive and fill half the bottle with water -- it. Since Polmolive is extremely concentrated and thick - it blends well. I learned this from my husbands aunt who was always teased for being too thrifty but out of all her siblings --- she is the only one that is debt free , has the bigest home which is currently paid off.
3) Changed my light bulbs to florescent lights - I found out that it takes only 25% of power to light the same amount of wattage. So I save plenty around my home.
4) I have a coupon exchange box for family and friends. They contribute and take what they need and visit more often too.
Do you have any money saving ideas ----
great. tanks. vsit mine lets help each other, just leave msgs to notify me if u do so. ty
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